
Mighty Oaks Blog

Bursting Their Bonds

By, David Vanderpool  On Monday April 22nd, 22 men from the veteran and first responder communities showed up to The Wilds outside Columbus, OH, full of trepidation, anxiety, burdened and not sure what to expect from a week with Mighty Oaks. It was clear that after...
Time Heals All Wounds

Time Heals All Wounds

By Kenneth Wolff We have all heard the saying, “Time Heals all Wounds,” but does it? As I think about this saying, I cannot help but think about my wounds and my time spent dealing with them and struggling with them. I often wondered, did it need to take this long,...

Cancel Culture and the Christian

Cancel Culture and the Christian

Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Unless you are living under a rock and, because of that rock, you do not have access to the internet, you are aware that we are living in a time of “Cancel Culture”. The events that have brought us to this moment are deeply rooted in both...

Life is NOT fair!

Life is NOT fair!

By Jeremy Stalnecker “Life is not fair!” Have you ever said that? If you are like everyone else in the world, the words may not have crossed your lips but the thought has crossed your mind. We all know what its like to look at a world so often in chaos and conclude...

We Need Heroes!

We Need Heroes!

Written by Jeremy Stalnecker   In my last post I did my best to answer the question: “What is a Hero?” (you can read that here). This often overused word really does have a meaning apart from the “other worldly” fighters of evil that we see portrayed in film....

What is a Hero?

What is a Hero?

Written By, Jeremy Stalnecker It seems that our culture (meaning American culture) is obsessed with Heroes. From books and movies to the never-ending stream of hero-themed shows and amusement park rides, we love those with superhuman powers used, mostly, for good. The...

Safe and Secure

Safe and Secure

Written By, Robin Werling The Montana water was cold, very cold. The young man gasped as he sat down into the icy stream as the water curled around his waist. Although he was prepared for the cold, the water still took his breath away as he leaned back into it having...

Clarity in the Chaos

Clarity in the Chaos

By Jamie Warner It’s safe to say, there was a national tension the week of January 18th so real, so in everyone’s face, that it was tangible. Media outlets were ablaze with inflammatory information as the nation moved toward the Presidential Inauguration Day. There...

What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

By Jeremy Stalnecker What is freedom, to you? I think most of us would define freedom or “being free” as having the ability to do what we want to do. I am only free, we might say if there are no limitations on my rights and if I can, without hurting others of course,...

Don’t Quit!

Don’t Quit!

By Jeremy Stalnecker Several events this week reminded me of something that I have always known to be true. It’s funny how we can learn something and then forget we know it until, for some reason, it once again comes to our attention.  What was that “thing” for me...

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