
Mighty Oaks Blog

Coming Alive!

By, Ann Dodd Twenty ladies took a leap of faith and attended our second Women’s Legacy Program of 2024 this past week. They traveled to the beautiful SkyRose Ranch located in San Miguel, CA, from various parts of the country. Each arrived a bit guarded and...
Never Stop Fighting

Never Stop Fighting

By, Jamie Warner Snow dappled mountains and rushing rivers coursing through vast plains greeted the twelve Warriors that made the trek to Wise River, Montana, for the latest Men’s Legacy Program. The team sensed it was going to be a big week for this group as reports...

What is Your Standard?

What is Your Standard?

Written by Jeremy Stalnecker What is your standard? This is an important question that impacts, even when we are not conscious of it, every area of life. Take a minute to consider each of these: The value or worth that I find in myself The value or worth of others...

Time Heals All Wounds

Time Heals All Wounds

By Kenneth Wolff We have all heard the saying, “Time Heals all Wounds,” but does it? As I think about this saying, I cannot help but think about my wounds and my time spent dealing with them and struggling with them. I often wondered, did it need to take this long,...

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