The 1st Responders course that was conducted at the Blaylock Ranch in Junction, Texas, from April 17-22 was one where we witnessed God’s hand through the Holy Spirit move through the men that attended.  We had 17 men attend that although were still actively working in their profession, showed signs of wear from the burdens they had been carrying.

But as we learn in scripture: Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called children of God. -Matthew 5:9 

Throughout the week, they learned that they were not alone with what burdens they were carrying.  They learned through classes the importance of having Godly men in their lives to hold them accountable and to lock arms when they are about to fall.  They learned the importance of prayer and reading God’s word every day.  The four B’s that we share with them are not just a staple or neat slogan to remember:  Be in the Word, Be in Prayer, Be in Fellowship, Be in Contact with your Cornermen.  This is a base for them to start everyday keeping their momentum going forward and not backwards, towards God and not their past sins.

We witnessed 17 men either make a commitment or re-commitment to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ and to follow his example.  We are not smart enough to make that happen on our own, but only through God is something this good possible.

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, and in whom I take refuge. -Psalm 144:1-2 


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