Resolution by Mighty Oaks Foundation
This time of year is always because you can see how many people are still sticking to their New Years’ resolutions. Working out, building a relationship with Christ, listening better, even laying off the sweets are all examples of new year resolutions. When you come up with the idea of what you want your resolutions to be, it usually stems from something that you as an individual are unhappy with. There is something that is happening that you would like to change, the outcome needs to be different. You are resolving for or making something that you want to happen actually happen. But how do we come to the conclusion that there is a resolution to be made?
Table of Contents
How are resolutions defined?
Resolution/resolve is defined by Merriam-Webster as “to deal with successfully: clear up: to find an answer to”. The entire goal of this article is to help you find a way to “successfully clear up” what you are battling with. If not to clear it up, the minimum is to help you recognize that there is something on your mind that needs attention! Let’s start with something important, for instance, is this something YOU feel needs resolved, or something that society is saying needs resolved?
Real-World Examples:
(From The New York Times)
What about if you have a really bad health habit?
Bad Habit: I smoke.
Cue: I’m tired.
Routine: I smoke a cigarette.
Reward: I’m stimulated.
Way to change the behavior: Instead of smoking a cigarette, replace the stimulus with something else, like coffee.
Or if your habit affects your whole day?
Bad Habit: I don’t get enough sleep at night.
Cue: I feel like I need time to myself in the evening.
Routine: I stay up too late watching TV.
Reward: I’m entertained.
Way to change the behavior: Instead of staying up late to watch TV, carve out special time each day to spend by yourself, even if that may mean asking for help with your children or taking a break from work each day.
It is a challenge to try and properly articulate that there are things that are bad.
Every individual has varying beliefs on right and wrong when it comes to routine. So the question now is, “Who am I to say that watching TV too late in the evening is bad?” Well, you do. You as an individual can make the decision as to whether staying up late to watch TV is bad for your next day as it takes away from your sleep. Quite frankly it HAS to be your decision. It has to be your decision what to resolve, and it always will be.
Psalm 112:8 says “his resolve is firm; he will not succumb to fear before he looks in triumph on his enemies.” This can be interpreted in many ways. The direction we will focus on is that once the problem is recognized, there is nothing preventing resolution for it. No fear, no intimidation, no person will stand in the way of man when he “looks in triumph on his enemies”. The enemy is the bad habit, the negative, the problem, or the thing that needs resolution.
It comes down to what you want for yourself. There is no perfect way to self-reflect but starting today is better than waiting for tomorrow. Starting is no easy task either! Fear of the unknown and lack of confidence is part of the process, nothing important happens overnight. It will take time to learn how to reflect, it will take time, to be honest, it will take time to figure out where you want to be, and it will take time to get there. Waiting to start tomorrow, however, is only going to make your journey longer.
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The Mighty Oaks Foundation is committed to serving the brokenhearted by providing intensive peer-based discipleship through a series of programs, outpost meetings, and speaking events. Our Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs hosts such Men, Women, and Marriage Advance Programs at multiple locations nationwide. The Warriors who attend are fully sponsored for training, meals, and lodging needs to ensure that upon arrival to the ranch, each Warrior is focused solely on his or her recovery and identifying purpose moving forward.
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