Military Resiliency Conferences

By John Mizerak
Even though the core of Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs is our intensive peer based program called Legacy for Men and Women, we’ve also had a huge impact with our Military Resiliency Conferences. 
The United States Military is the most equipped fighting force in the world in terms of manpower and equipment.  These brave men and women have provided a blanket of freedom for America and other nations of the world where we answered the call to fight for those who could not protect themselves.  However, at times, that freedom comes at a cost resulting in combat stress or “Post-Traumatic Stress,” Veteran suicides, and the divorce of our military families.  
We believe that if properly equipped on the front end of conflict our Warriors and Families can have “Spiritual Resiliency” and a mindset that is preventative of the hardships we have seen far too many of our Warriors face.
To take an offensive role in the war against PTS, Veteran suicide & divorce, Mighty Oaks conducts training and conferences to the US Military for the following areas:

  • Pre-Deployment Briefings for Warriors and Families
  • Combat Resiliency Training Conferences
  • Post Combat Reintegration Conferences
  • Suicide Prevention Conferences
  • Marriage Conferences

Our speaking team has been blessed to connect with 3545 military personnel through 13 events just this year!  As we look ahead, the need for the programs we offer continues to increase. Over the next five years, we plan to serve 6000 warriors through our programs, and over 450,000 through our Resiliency Programs.
Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support! 

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