Hearts of Stone Became Hearts of Flesh


One would think, maybe even assume, that conducting Legacy Program after Legacy Program all year long would become routine. Same thing, different faces. Well, there is the fact that our Legacy Program curriculum is standardized across all four sites and most of our staff and Team Leaders participate in multiple Programs a year, but they are anything but routine.

How can I say that? Well, our Programs are a tool being used by the Creator of the universe for His purposes. It has little to do with us, and all to do with Him. And our God is infinitely creative. Week after week, He brings together men from all around the country with just the right leadership and He creates a divine appointment for each man present. Our June Men’s Legacy Program was no exception. Twenty-three Warriors from all military branches and eleven different states arrived at SkyRose Ranch in sunny San Miguel, California, and quickly got down to the business at hand – aligning their lives to the life they were created to live.

Don’t be fooled. This isn’t an easy or comfortable process for most. These are hardened battle-tested Warriors that have lived in the self-protection of guarded emotions and loss and pain. But something wonderful happened that happens so often during a Legacy Program: hearts of stone were transformed into hearts of flesh.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. –Ezekiel 36:26

Men that arrived hopeless and without purpose, departed with a transformed heart and spirit, with fresh hope, a new and determined purpose, and a brotherhood and support system to sustain the changes.

This Program was also an opportunity to celebrate our partnership with Serving USA and Mr. B. Wayne Hughes, Jr. at the public graduation held at the SkyRose barns.  These amazing supporters have been instrumental in the mission of Mighty Oaks Foundation for years and we so appreciate all they do for us. This partnership is evidence of how God will use people and organizations to accomplish His purposes. It’s such a wonderful privilege to partner with Serving USA, Mr. Hughes, and the SkyRose staff here in California. We at MOF are forever grateful for these kinds of partnerships and the hundreds of other partners we have across this great nation.

Apply Today

Apply today to one of our upcoming Legacy Programs and take back control and live the life you were created to live.

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