Generations Will Be Affected

By Jamie Warner

Recently, Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs held its First Responder Legacy Program for Men in California.

Seventeen men gathered to learn about the God-created role they were designed to live. These men sacrifice so much on a daily basis in order to help maintain safety and peace in our communities and law and order across our nation that we feel it only fitting to give a little back.

The week began with the men arriving a little apprehensive. Many were wondering, “what have I gotten myself into this time?” But, as the first evening kicked off, Program Manager Kevin Schroeder puts most fears at ease and settled the Warriors in for a week of personal growth and healing.

With each new presentation, new discoveries were made and healing continued. The men lifted burdens and shed long-shouldered loads of years of work and life related trauma. With every passing hour, the staff could see the changes happening. Stress lines on their faces became laugh lines. Anger was replaced with peace and joy. Dread of the future was swapped with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead. Husbands and fathers left the ranch with a mission to restore broken or hurting relationships within their homes. 

That’s the beauty of Legacy Program. We at Mighty Oaks don’t heal anyone, but we point everyone to The Healer and Restorer. Legacy Program is a tool used to introduce, or reintroduce, men and women to Jesus, because it is only through a relationship with Christ that one finds true healing, renewed purpose, and lasting hope. That’s how lives are saved, families are restored, and legacies are changed.

Thank you to all our supporters across this great nation. This important, live saving work couldn’t happen without your generosity, love, and support.


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