
Keynote Speaker Chad Robichaux Inspires Building A Life Of Strength, Courage & Purpose

Keynote Speaker

Mighty Oaks Founder & President

USMC Force Recon Veteran

Best Selling Author

Pro MMA Champion

“I have yet to see anyone in public speaking have such a dynamic effect on people that causes them to make such radical but positive changes in their lives. Chad Robichaux’s integrity, his trustworthiness and faithfulness to all that he does has been a fantastic influence on our leadership team and on the church has a whole.”
Ron Woods, Lead Pastor – The Assembly (Broken Arrow, OK)

About Chad Robichaux, BCPC, MBA

Chad is a former Force Recon Marine and DoD Contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSd and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading non-profit, serving the active duty, military veteran and first responder communities around the world with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs. Having spoken to over 275,000 active-duty troops and led life-saving programs for over 4,000 active military and veterans at four Mighty Oaks Ranches around the Nation, Chad has become a go-to resource and is considered a subject matter expert on faith-based solutions to PTSd, having advised the former Presidential Administration, Congress, the VA, the DoD, and was appointed to serve as the Chairman of a White House Veterans Coalition.

Chad is also the Co-Founder of Save Our Allies, a non-profit that’s mission is focused on the evacuation and recovery of Americans, our allies and vulnerable people trapped in Afghanistan. Save Our Allies began as a personal quest for Chad, as he set out to rescue his long-time friend and Afghanistan interpreter, but the mission quickly evolved because of Chad’s compassion for people and his servant heart. Since its inception, Save Our Allies has safely evacuated over 17,000 people that were trapped in Afghanistan and is now helping in Ukraine.

Chad is a bestselling author and has written a number of books related to veteran care and overcoming life’s challenges, donating over 200,000 copies to the troops during his resiliency speaking tours. He is regularly featured on national media outlets and his story was notably shared in a short film by I Am Second and the documentary, Never Fight Alone. Currently, and a life-story motion picture movie is being produced based on Chad’s #1 best-selling book, An Unfair Advantage.

In addition to Chad’s military service, he has served our nation as a Special Agent with the US Federal Air Marshal Service and the US State Department as a Surveillance Detection Senior Program Manager. Chad is a Medal of Valor recipient for his bravery beyond the call of duty in law enforcement. Chad has earned an MBA from New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and is a board-certified pastoral counselor with a focus on PTSd. Chad is married to his wife Kathy of 27 years, and they have a daughter and two sons and two granddaughters. Hunter and Hayden are both 3rd generation Marines in the Robichaux family and share Chad’s passion as lifelong martial artists. Chad is also a 4th degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt under the legendary Master Carlson Gracie Jr and is a former Professional Mixed Martial Arts Champion having competed at the highest levels of the sport.

Chad Robichaux Speaking Topics

Military Resiliency Topics

Chad is a top resource, subject matter expert and speaker to the DoD (Department of Defense) and US Military on the topics of Resiliency, Spiritual Resilience, Suicide-Prevention and Post Traumatic Stress. Chad has written several books on these subjects to include a #1 Best Seller, testified in veterans court and has even advised the current presidential administration on best practices. Chad has spoken to over 250,000 active duty troops from all military branches at various commands and resiliency conferences; such as Pre-deployment Programs, USAF Yellow Ribbon Resiliency Programs, Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) Resiliency Conferences, Spiritual Resiliency Events & Command Prayer Breakfasts and is a on-going speaker for USMC Boot Camp at MCRD San Diego, Ca.

Resiliency – “Get Off The X”

Chad shares his personal testimony using illustration of a Taliban ambush in Afghanistan where he finds himself stuck on “The X”, an ambush site or kill zone. Chad and his partner escape to safety only to find himself come home to be on the X once again, but in a much different kill zone, a diagnosis of PTSd, anxiety & depression, a near divorce of his family and a battle with suicide. Despite Chad’s success as a Professional MMA Champion, he stayed on the X far too long and it nearly cost him everything. However, a challenge from a loving wife, the biblical mentorship of a friend and the second chance that God gives us all, gave Chad a choice to “Get Off The X” and find restoration, hope and purpose so he could step into the very life God created him to live… paying forward what he discovered to his fellow Warriors.

The Warrior Within

There are many stories that inspire the warrior within people daily. For Chad, that story comes from the Bible and it challenges him to live a more Godly life as he walks down the narrow path the Lord has set before him. That very lifestyle, coupled with the warrior within him, is what guides Chad on his heavenly endeavors. Chad shares the calling that he received following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, stating that:

We heard the voice of the Lord calling upon us, we heard the very calling that Isaiah did when the Lord called “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?” And like Isaiah, we replied “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8). This calling is what led us to form Task Force 6:8, which is a coalition of organizations with the heart to help the helpless. A task force of the willing, the passionate, and one that had the means to pull it off… and they did. What started out as a small rescue effort turned into the largest civilian evacuation in the history of Kabul, with over 15,000 people rescued.

Though Chad has accumulated many accolades and has served our great Nation honorably, his warrior spirit still lives deep within him as continues to serve the almighty God. Chad shares that deep down within every single person lives a warrior spirit, just awaiting the call from the Lord. If your inner warrior calls, will you hear it?

Post Traumatic Stress – “The Truth About PTSd”

Though trauma is not exclusively a combat issue or new to mankind, the War on Terror has put a spotlight on PTSd. Our responses to the abnormal events of trauma were designed to help us survive and protect ourselves…. that’s not a disorder, but a blessing. The questions is, with the mountain of valid research compiled on Post Traumatic Stress, how do we move forward? The answer is found in understanding how we were created. There is hope and freedom on the other side of trauma, but not until you understand some essential truths that will make that freedom possible.

Restored Purpose

Chad often returns to churches to continue on with part 2 of his testimony and teaches on finding purpose beyond our failures. Chad’s life has been an illustration of this truth having failed and reached rock bottom to experience a radical change through a relationship with Jesus Christ and being raised up by God to founding and leading the Mighty Oaks Foundation; impacting thousands around the world. Chad talks about his own journey will teaching from the Bible through the life, failures and redemption of Peter from the books of Mathew and Acts.  (1 Tim. 1:9)

Out of the Valley

Deep in enemy territory of the tribal border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Chad found himself alone and trapped in a valley infested with Taliban fighters. All seemed hopeless before finding his way out and unwittingly leading others to safety as well. Finding hope in the valley of the shadow of death, as the Bible calls it, can seem impossible when you’re alone. Even more so when trying to lead others to hope and safety as well. Yet, the Bible never calls it the valley of death but a shadow, a shadow we can leave the cover of and into the light through an encounter with the Healer of despair. Chad shares an important message for all of us by teaching the parallels his story in the valley, with the incredible story from the book of Luke of four friend’s journey and commitment to see their paralyzed friend find hope and restoration through an encounter with Jesus, and the lesson that the most important wound to be healed in life is the healing of the soul. (Ps. 23:4)

Courage Beyond Fear

In an intense, yet comical scene, Chad and two team members courageously conduct an operation deep in enemy territory, yet crumble in fear at the threat of an old angry tribal lady armed with river rocks and fire in her eyes. Courage and fear often go hand and hand, and the will to move being fear is always measured in the willingness to a pay a price for something we deem worthy the cost. Such is the case with the most courageous story in history as Jesus faces the cross at Calvary and sacrifices Himself for mankind. Chad retells this incredible story by aligning the Gospels to the prophecy of Psalm 22 in an attempt to capture the marvel, undeniable truth, and the true heroism and courage that took place when Jesus saved the world. (Jn. 15:13)

Speaking Videos


Chad Robichaux - Liberty University Convocation


Chad Robichaux - I Am Second®


Chad Robichaux - Out Of The Valley


Chad Robichaux - The Warrior Within


“Thank you for sharing your incredible story ... I extend my personal gratitude to you for your distinguished and steadfast service to our country.”

— President Donald J. Trump - 45th President of the United States

“Chad used his compelling story to draw us in and then point to power of the Gospel. What a powerful testimony”

— David Nasser, Liberty University - Senior VP of Spiritual Development

“Chad and Kathy Robichaux spoke at our church for Memorial Day. They not only honored our Veterans, but they spoke about life’s challenges and how to overcome those challenges with Jesus Christ as our ultimate Healer. Their personal testimony showed our congregation how to have victory over many of life’s entanglements, from depression to marital struggles, and how Jesus can be our bondage breaker. We now consider this amazing couple part of The Life Church Family!”

— Pastor Dave Baird, The Life Church (Manassas, VA)

“With disarming honesty and faith, Chad and Kathy Robichaux have shared their story here in Brentwood. And God has used their story to rekindle faith and hope in weary hearts, and rekindle love in tired marriages.”

— Pastor Dave Mason, Brentwood Neighborhood Church (Brentwood, CA)

“I highly recommend Chad Robichaux to you not only as an outstanding communicator with a great heart and passion, but also as someone who loves the Church and Pastors. Chad understands the unique demands of Pastoral leadership and seeks to come alongside in a complimentary way to partner in reaching the lost, particularly Veterans. The two words I would use to describe Chad are “humility” and “servant.”

— Tom Ferrell, Lead Pastor - Atascadero Bible Church (Atascadero, CA)

“I have yet to see anyone in public speaking have such a dynamic effect on people that causes them to make such radical but positive changes in their lives. Chad Robichaux’s integrity, his trustworthiness and faithfulness to all that he does has been a fantastic influence on our leadership team and on the church has as a whole.”

— Ron Woods, Lead Pastor - The Assembly (Broken Arrow, OK)

“Chad Robichaux has the heart of a “true warrior:” Compassionate but full of resolve. His message leaves you believing in the greatness of this country and the service members that fought for her. Chad’s dedication to seeing these warriors whole again reveals that God is still in the business of transforming lives. Our congregation is still talking about his visit. We hope he becomes a regular guest here at Bethel Christian Fellowship.”

— David Domina, Lead Pastor, Bethel Christian Fellowship (Rochester, NY)

“I have personally been involved with and seen the work of Chad Robichaux. In all of these occasions, we have seen men, particularly our Veterans, that were on the verge of suicide just days before, turn their lives completely around with a new sense of hope and purpose for living.”

— Bruce Stewart, Lead Pastor - Renewal City Church (Spring, TX)


Saving Aziz

When President Joe Biden announced in April 2021 that the United States would be making a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, Robichaux knew he had to get Aziz and his family out before Taliban forces took over the country. As the rescue team he'd pulled together began to go to work, they became aware of thousands more--US citizens, Afghan allies, women, and children--facing persecution or death if they were not saved from the Taliban's terrorist regime. Chad began leading the charge that would go on to rescue 17,000 evacuees within a few short weeks--12,000 of them within the first ten days.

Saving Aziz is a story of war and rescue. It is a story of a mission accomplished and work still to be done. It is a story of how looking into a stranger's eyes breaks down prejudice and apathy--and why risking it all is worth it when it comes to loving one another..

An Unfair Advantage

Take a journey with Force Recon Marine and Pro Mixed Martial Arts Champion Fighter, Chad Robichaux, as he shares a glimpse into the life of special operations, competition as a professional fighter, and deep insight into this world’s spiritual battles which we are all engaged. Chad shares personal stories of both success and failure experienced in Afghanistan, the MMA cage, and his biggest fight of all… coming home and facing a struggle with PTSD, a near divorce and almost becoming another veteran suicide statistic. Each chapter shares a parallel story of Biblical time warriors who faced similar struggles and reveals An Unfair Advantage that led them to victory in the midst of those battles. Discover that same advantage for the battles you face and unlock the warrior spirit sewn in YOUR heart by God Himself.

Fight For Us

Fight for Us takes couples on an inspiring journey into the challenges of battling for their marriage, through gut-wrenching times of despair, and then finally to the victory of a renewed relationship grounded in Jesus. Fight for Us delivers a compelling marriage challenge of "five rounds" that teach readers how to develop the never-give-up, never-quit mentality every relationship needs in order to combat the enemy's constant attacks. Utilizing narrative elements from the real-life story of Chad and Kathy Robichaux, readers will learn how Chad's deployments to Afghanistan as a Marine--and subsequent career as an MMA fighter--allowed him to disengage from his emotions, his marriage, and his children. Then, when his crippling PTSD brought him to brink of suicide, Kathy's pastor taught him the "five rounds" of fighting that are necessary in the battle for any marriage:

-Believe that God loves you and has a purpose for your life.

-Take responsibility for your actions.

-Accept that you can't change the evils that you've encountered.

-Access God's power.

-Put yourself second.

At the end of the rounds, readers will discover God's design for marriage, which saved Chad and Kathy's relationship. Today, they aim to pay it forward and share what they've learned with other couples. Fight for Us features application sections, discussion prompts, affirmations, and Bible verses, all designed to help readers apply the book's key marriage principles.

Chad On Being An MMA Champion

I’ve learned so much through time of being a martial artist and even more so a competitor. I’ve often been asked how I feel about fighting as a Christian. I get the curiosity and conflict people see. After a life of seeing too much trauma I hate violence. YET, martial arts competition to me is a sport, like soccer to some, it is a fight by willing participants and most times rooted in the highest level of respect for your opponent (even if it’s hidden by unnecessary words or bravado). For me the fight was never against an opponent, thankfully I’ve never once had I’ll will towards a competitor, the fight was always against myself. In hard training or competition every day is a fight to challenge and push myself for growth in my mind, my body and in my soul. It is something I will always do a love, and helps me to overcome the fight I face daily to become the man I was created to be. Every day I fight.

~ Chad Robichaux – On Being A World MMA Champion

Chad Robichaux has been featured on:

Speaker Request Form

Chad Robichaux covers a wide range of topics, from our programs to issues Veterans and Active Duty Service Members that we also bring to retreats, conferences, churches and civic events around the country. Chad is also a frequent guest on national media outlets (Fox News, American Family Radio, Forbes, Christian Post) speaking on Veteran issues including Combat Trauma, PTSd and Resiliency. Chad has a passion to share the transformational experience that changed his world and unveiled his purpose.

Chad’s talks are both inspiring and challenging and can be scaled from single sessions to multi-day/multi-session retreats and conferences.

For speaker’s donation information, to request a quote for your event or organization please fill out the form below.

“Chad Robichaux has the heart of a “true warrior:” Compassionate but full of resolve. His message leaves you believing in the greatness of this country and the service members that fought for her. Chad’s dedication to seeing these warriors whole again reveals that God is still in the business of transforming lives. Our congregation is still talking about his visit. We hope he becomes a regular guest here at Bethel Christian Fellowship.” David Domina, Lead Pastor, Bethel Christian Fellowship (Rochester, NY)

“I have yet to see anyone in public speaking have such a dynamic effect on people that causes them to make such radical but positive changes in their lives. Chad Robichaux’s integrity, his trustworthiness and faithfulness to all that he does has been a fantastic influence on our leadership team and on the church has a whole.”  Ron Woods, Lead Pastor – The Assembly (Broken Arrow, OK)

Please use the form below to book Chad for official military events. Chad’s non-military speaking events are managed by Premiere Speakers Bureau.

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